
April 8, 2010 at 6:29 am | Posted in 1 | Leave a comment

GLEE: open delight or pleasure; exultant joy; exultation.  It may sound overly silly, but I am so inspired by this TV show that hasn’t even aired for a full season yet.  So, since this is my first real blog, and in lieu of the upcoming premier on Tuesday, I will let you all in on why (and how) it has inspired me.

Firstly, The Music. The music is wonderful, they are singing these wonderful, catchy songs that everyone already loves, but they are doing it either acapella or accompanied by piano. And it sounds better than the original! When I’m watching, I find myself doing the following : bobbing my head, dancing while sitting down, and sometimes outright singing.  Glee has inspired me to belt it out more often. In the car, In the shower, in my kitchen..all the time. As a society, we are often keeping our “glee” cooped up, too embarrassed to sing out loud or dance like an idiot. And it feels really good to let it out. 

Second, The Drama. Oh my goodness, this show has alot of drama. And alot of diversity within that drama. Everyone is linked to everyone in a different way. It’s amazing. I find myself crying a little at least once an episode. The writers of this show take so many translatable problems and act them out through music, it’s inspiring, and has taught me how therapeutic it is to dedicate songs to people and feelings.

Third, The comedy. I think Glee is supposed to come off as semi-satirical. It is so hilarious to laugh at the mock teenage/pop culture problems that arise. They are just so blunt and open about the things that happen that there is no way it isn’t satire. I lol the whole time. When I’m not crying that is.

Lastly, The message of perseverance. You take these misfits that are only mediocre to begin with, and you watch them push and push and push until they get what they want. Jane Lynch’s charachter Sue, is throwing as many obstacles at them as possible, and each time the rag-tag glee club of McKinley High  manages to persevere. It shows you that you pretty much just have to keep your chin up, keep smiling, and DON’T STOP BELIEVING! (Hold on to that feeeeellliiinngg)

I think that we can all take a page out of Rachel Berry’s glee book and add a gold star each time we sign our name. We have to know that we are going to be stars one day. It may be a far off dream, but if the glee club kids can do it, so can you!

Hope you’ll all be watching!

<3/ Tomi

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